Lone Wolf, Creature — wolf, 设计者 Michael Weaver 首次发布于 May, 2020 在编辑中 Portal Second Age 并准确地印在 7 不同的形状. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 2.53.
独狼牌对于专注于侵略性游戏并希望绕过敌人阻挡者造成直接伤害的牌组来说是有益的。然而,还有更好的选择,如棱皮龟巴洛思 (Leatherback Baloth) 或荆棘根幽灵 (Strangleroot Geist),它们可以提供更多的力量或弹性。由于与其他可用选项相比,“独狼”的影响有限,因此在竞争性套牌中可能不会有太多发挥。
If blocked by a creature with banding, the defending player decides whether or not the damage is assigned “as though it weren’t blocked”.
You can decide to assign damage to the defending player or planeswalker even if the blocking creature has protection from green or damage preventing effects on it.
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