Spellstutter Sprite 法术跃灵妖, 生物-仙灵巫师, 设计者 Christopher Moeller 首次发布于 Jun, 2002 在编辑中 Magic Online Promos 并准确地印在 7 不同的形状. 见游戏 2 格式: Pauper and Casual. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 21.86.
Spellstutter Sprite是魔法:聚会中Faerie部落套牌的绝佳补充,因为它提供了一种多才多艺且具有破坏性的对抗选择,随着你控制的Faeries数量而扩展。虽然可能有其他具有不同优势的反咒法术,但Spellstutter Sprite的协同作用和灵活性使其成为寻求控制局面和干扰对手策略的套牌中的有价值之选,这使得它成为Faerie套牌中绝对值得考虑的一张牌。
The value of X needs to be determined both when the ability triggers (so you can choose a target) and again when the ability resolves (to check if that target is still legal). If the number of Faeries you control has decreased enough in that time to make the target illegal, Spellstutter Sprite’s ability won’t resolve (and the targeted spell will resolve as normal).
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