塔西格的酷虐, 巫術, 设计者 Chris Rahn 首次发布于 Jan, 2015 在编辑中 Fate Reforged. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 2.58.
Because delve isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs, such as flashback. It can also be used to pay for additional costs that include generic mana.
Delve doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost. For example, Treasure Cruise’s converted mana cost is 8 even if you exiled three cards to cast it.
Because delve isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs.
You can’t exile cards to pay for the colored mana requirements of a spell with delve.
You exile cards from your graveyard at the same time you pay the spell’s cost. Exiling a card this way is simply another way to pay that cost.
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