啟蒙殿堂, 地, 设计者 Svetlin Velinov 首次发布于 Feb, 2014 在编辑中 Born of the Gods 并准确地印在 25 不同的形状. 见游戏 1 格式: Commander. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 0.29.
启蒙神殿对于依赖占卜来建立听牌并确保一致性的控制或节奏套牌将是有益的。虽然它提供了白色和蓝色法力的灵活性,但它可能会被其他双地所超越,例如神圣喷泉,如果你支付 2 点生命就可以进入未开发状态,或者冰川堡垒,如果你控制平原或岛屿就可以进入未开发状态。然而,启蒙神殿仍然可以在重视其占卜效果和法力修复的套牌中看到。
When you scry, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards on the bottom of your library, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them on the bottom.
You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, that means you’ll scry last. For others, that means you’ll scry and then perform other actions.
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