Recommended number is between 100 - 180
Recommended number is between 12 - 23
Recommended number is between 12 - 20
Recommended number is between 5 - 10
Recommended number is between 75 - 100
Recommended number is between 0 - 15
Recommended number is between 0 - 15
Recommended number is between 0 - 15
Recommended number is between 5 - 15
Recommended number is between 5 - 15
Recommended number is between 0 - 10
Click here to import your deck and see more statsPower level (PL) is a grade given to decks to understand how optimize they are with the goal to win. The grade range from 1 to 10, being 1 the least optmized and 10 the most optimized. As commander can be a casual to a competitive format, it was needed to divide the current format in tiers so players can find the perfect table for them to have fun.
In theory, tables should have decks with similar power level. In a table with 4 decks, two with PL 5 and two with PL 6, they could compete, although the PL 6 has a small advantage.
The most-powerful decks in the format are rated 9-10. Every card is hyper-efficient, and consistency is almost on a card-for-card basis. After that you have the grades 7-8, those are decks with a specific, consistent gameplan, with nearly-perfect land bases. Then you have the 5-6 power level, usually an upgraded version of a precon or a deck with a plan. In the bottom of this chain, there are the power level 3-4 decks, normally precons with basic strategy. Lastly, grades 1-2 are random pile of cards, generally limited power, or decks that can only function when the Commander is in play.
EDH stands for Elder Dragon Highlander. When Commander was first conceived, it had those words for its name. The ideia was the same of the movie Highlander, where you can only have one, that's why you can only have 1 card of each in your deck. The first gameplay could only have Elder Dragons as Commander, later on the rule changed to permit any legendary creature.
CEDH or cEDH is an abbreviation meaning “Competitive Elder Dragon Highlander.” In essence, it's just Commander where everyone plays with the best decks out there and tries as hard as possible to win. With the increasing power level of newer commanders, more and more people are getting into the format.
cEDH is the top of competitive play and that's why all the decks are well optimized. In another word, cEDH generally means that your deck has a power level of 9 to 10.
— Comments360
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Ricardo Diaz • 03/11/25
Zygarde 1006 • 03/03/25
Michael Fosselm • 03/02/25
Chad • 02/18/25
Knotty012 • 02/11/25
Cards RealmMOD • 02/11/25
Shanton • 02/08/25
Shanton • 02/10/25
Roxas7713 • 02/07/25
Drivnod, Carnage Dominus
Is not available as a selectable commander cardRoxas7713 • 02/07/25
Redmyr • 02/07/25
Redmyr • 02/07/25
Cards RealmMOD • 02/09/25
Kage • 01/23/25
Shanton • 01/23/25
Shanton • 01/23/25
Shanton • 01/18/25
Shanton • 02/06/25
walyson pires • 01/16/25
Kage • 01/09/25
Kage • 01/10/25
Skithiryx • 01/07/25
Roxas7713 • 12/31/24
Herald of War
should be counted as ramp.Roxas7713 • 02/07/25
Gogetatr12 • 12/19/24
Emerald • 12/17/24
Sivart • 12/11/24
Elvish Harbinger
is listed as a ramp card but can it also be listed as a tutor as it has you search for an Elf card?Skylar McCuisti • 12/09/24
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