姓名 | 瀰散大群 |
图案 | Permeating Mass |
类型 | 生物~精靈 |
描述 | 每當瀰散大群對任一生物造成戰鬥傷害時,該生物成為瀰散大群的複製品。 |
Flavor | 林地遊魂推斷,只要它們搶占先機,伊莫庫便無法扭曲林地居民。 |
艺术家 | Joseph Meehan |
版 | 依尼翠上空的阴影重制版 #209 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
姓名 | 瀰散大群 |
图案 | Permeating Mass |
类型 | 生物~精靈 |
描述 | 每當瀰散大群對任一生物造成戰鬥傷害時,該生物成為瀰散大群的複製品。 |
Flavor | 林地遊魂推斷,只要它們搶占先機,伊莫庫便無法扭曲林地居民。 |
艺术家 | Joseph Meehan |
版 | 依尼翠上空的阴影重制版 #209 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
瀰散大群, 生物~精靈, 设计者 Joseph Meehan 首次发布于 Jul, 2016 在编辑中 Eldritch Moon Promos 并准确地印在 3 不同的形状. 目前以最低价出售 1.80.
Permeating Mass可以成为一个有趣且具有破坏性的选择,特别是在一个以生物战或控制为重点的套牌中,尤其是在一个以生物互动为重点的绿色套牌中。它对于拥有强大生物的套牌特别有效,让你有可能用Permeating Mass的复制体压倒对手。然而,它的效果可能在对手拥有少量生物或者可以轻松移除或中和它的套牌中受到限制,因此它可能不是竞技游戏中的头号选择。其他卡牌,比如Polymorphist's Jest或Mirrorweave,在某些情况下可能提供类似效果但更具多样性和影响力。
A creature dealt lethal damage during combat won’t survive long enough to become a copy of Permeating Mass. If Permeating Mass is dealt lethal damage during combat, the creature Permeating Mass dealt damage to still becomes a copy of it.
Effects that have already applied to the damaged creature will continue to apply to it. For example, if Giant Growth had given it +3/+3 earlier in the turn, it will be 4/6.
The damaged creature copies the printed values of Permeating Mass. It won’t copy counters on Permeating Mass or effects that have changed its power, toughness, types, color, or so on. Notably, this means that a creature that becomes a copy of Permeating Mass has the ability to permeate other creatures as well.
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