Proper Laboratory Attire 适当的实验室服装, 神器 - 装备, 设计者 Tom Babbey 首次发布于 Dec, 2017 在编辑中 Unstable. 目前以最低价出售 2.86.
这张卡牌,Proper Laboratory Attire,在一个专注于提升生物力量和耐力并提供保护免受骰子相关效果影响的牌组中会很有益处。它可能在一个旨在用强大、受保护的生物压倒对手的牌组中特别有用。然而,根据牌组的具体策略,可能会有更好的选择,比如提供额外能力或增益的装备牌。Proper Laboratory Attire可能会在重视其提供的保护的牌组中发挥作用,但其效果取决于牌组的整体协同性和实力水平。
Protection from die rolls means the equipped creature can’t be dealt damage by, equipped or enchanted by, blocked by, or targeted by anything that allows or requires someone to roll a die. This includes any kind of dice, not just six-sided dice. This also includes anything that allows you to reroll a die.
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