姓名 | 时钟旋转 |
图案 | Clockspinning |
类型 | 立即的 |
描述 | Buyback (您可以在施放此咒语时支付额外的。如果您这样做,将此牌放入您的手中,当其解决时。) 选择目标永久物或悬挂卡上的一个计数器。从该永久物或卡上移除该计数器,或者在其上放置另一个该计数器。 |
艺术家 | Thanh Tuấn |
版 | 超越宇宙:神秘博士 #215 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
姓名 | 时钟旋转 |
图案 | Clockspinning |
类型 | 立即的 |
描述 | Buyback (您可以在施放此咒语时支付额外的。如果您这样做,将此牌放入您的手中,当其解决时。) 选择目标永久物或悬挂卡上的一个计数器。从该永久物或卡上移除该计数器,或者在其上放置另一个该计数器。 |
艺术家 | Thanh Tuấn |
版 | 超越宇宙:神秘博士 #215 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
时钟旋转, 立即的, 设计者 Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai 首次发布于 Oct, 2006 在编辑中 Time Spiral 并准确地印在 3 不同的形状. 见游戏 1 格式: Commander. 目前以最低价出售 1.87.
时钟旋转对于专注于操纵计数器的牌组来说是一个有价值的补充,例如《万智牌》中的增殖或模块化策略。虽然 Clockspinning 通过其回购能力提供了灵活性,并且可用于删除和添加指示物,但它可能会被更高效的选项(如以太瓶或泰泽瑞的策略)所掩盖,这些选项提供类似的效果和额外的好处。然而,《Clockspinning》仍然可以在寻找特定反击操作选项的利基套牌中发挥作用。
As the second triggered ability resolves, you must cast the card if able. You must do so even if it requires targets and the only legal targets are ones that you really don’t want to target. Timing permissions based on the card’s type are ignored.
Exiling a card with suspend isn’t casting that card. This action doesn’t use the stack and can’t be responded to.
If the first triggered ability of suspend (the one that removes time counters) is countered, no time counter is removed. The ability will trigger again at the beginning of the card’s owner’s next upkeep.
If you cast a card “without paying its mana cost,” such as with suspend, you can’t choose to cast it for any alternative costs. You can, however, pay additional costs. If the card has any mandatory additional costs, you must pay those to cast the card.
Suspend is a keyword that represents three abilities. The first is a static ability that allows you to exile the card from your hand with the specified number of time counters (the number before the dash) on it by paying its suspend cost (listed after the dash). The second is a triggered ability that removes a time counter from the suspended card at the beginning of each of your upkeeps. The third is a triggered ability that causes you to cast the card when the last time counter is removed. If you cast a creature spell this way, it gains haste until you lose control of that creature (or, in rare cases, you lose control of the creature spell while it’s on the stack).
The converted mana cost of a spell cast without paying its mana cost is determined by its mana cost, even though that cost wasn’t paid.
As the second triggered ability resolves, you must cast the card if able. Timing restrictions based on the card’s type are ignored.
If the spell has any mandatory additional costs, you must pay those if able. However, if an additional cost includes a mana payment, you are forced to pay that cost only if there’s enough mana in your mana pool at the time you cast the spell. You aren’t forced to activate any mana abilities, although you may do so if you wish.
If the spell requires any targets, those targets are chosen when the spell is finally cast, not when it’s exiled.
When the last time counter is removed, the second triggered ability of suspend will trigger. It doesn’t matter why the last time counter was removed or what effect removed it.
You can exile a card in your hand using suspend any time you could cast that card. Consider its card type, any effect that affects when you could cast it (such as flash) and any other effects that could stop you from casting it (such as Meddling Mage’s effect) to determine if and when you can do this. Whether or not you could actually complete all steps in casting the card is irrelevant. For example, you can exile a card with suspend that has no mana cost or requires a target even if no legal targets are available at that time.
Clockspinning can affect any kind of counter, not just a time counter. The type of counter isn’t chosen until resolution. Whether to add or remove a counter isn’t chosen until resolution.
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