转移, 瞬间法术, 设计者 Greg Hildebrandt 首次发布于 Feb, 2004 在编辑中 Darksteel 并准确地印在 2 不同的形状. 目前以最低价出售 2.65.
这张牌,Shunt,在一个专注于通过重定向对手的关键法术来破坏对手战略的套牌中将会很有益处。它可能特别适用于一个旨在通过重定向去除法术或反制法术来保护自己生物或连击件的套牌。虽然Shunt在特定情况下可能非常强大,但有更好的选择,比如Deflecting Swat或Ricochet Trap,它们提供更多的多功能性和爆发性玩法的潜力。总的来说,Shunt可能会在特定的元游戏或副牌情况下发挥作用,其中重定向法术至关重要,但它可能不会成为大多数套牌中的主要选择。
If a spell targets multiple things, you can’t target it with Shunt, even if all but one of those targets has become illegal.
Once the spell resolves, the new target is considered to be targeted by the deflected spell. This will trigger any effects which trigger on being targeted.
The target of a spell that targets another spell on the stack can be changed to any other spell on the stack, even if the new target will resolve before the spell does.
This does not check if the current target is legal. It just checks if the spell has a single target.
You can choose to make a spell on the stack target this spell (if such a target choice would be legal had the spell been cast while this spell was on the stack). The new target for the deflected spell is not chosen until this spell resolves. This spell is still on the stack when new targets are selected for the spell.
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