姓名 | 超凡大师 |
图案 | Transcendent Master |
类型 | 生物~人类牧师虚拟形象 |
描述 | 升级 (: 在此上放置一个等级指示物。只能作为法术升级。) 等级 6-11 6/6 生命链接 等级 12+ 9/9 生命链接,不可破坏 |
艺术家 | Steven Belledin |
版 | 神秘助推器 2 #23 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
姓名 | 超凡大师 |
图案 | Transcendent Master |
类型 | 生物~人类牧师虚拟形象 |
描述 | 升级 (: 在此上放置一个等级指示物。只能作为法术升级。) 等级 6-11 6/6 生命链接 等级 12+ 9/9 生命链接,不可破坏 |
艺术家 | Steven Belledin |
版 | 神秘助推器 2 #23 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
超凡大师, 生物~人类牧师虚拟形象, 设计者 Steven Belledin 首次发布于 Apr, 2010 在编辑中 Rise of the Eldrazi 并准确地印在 2 不同的形状. 目前以最低价出售 25.04.
超越大师非常适合生命增益或控制套牌,特别是在您可以利用其获得生命的能力并在更高级别成为坚不可摧的威胁的格式中。它的低法力消耗和增长潜力使其成为能够提供一致法力和保护的套牌的可靠选择,例如那些具有白色强大的生命增益协同作用或控制元素的套牌。虽然有更强大的卡牌,例如 Serra Ascendant 或 Baneslayer Angel,它们也提供显着的生命增益和规避威胁,但 Transcendent Master 提供独特的可扩展性和弹性。总体而言,它可以发挥作用,尤其是在休闲或中档格式中,但在竞争激烈的环境中可能会被超越。
A creature’s level is based on how many level counters it has on it, not how many times its level up ability has been activated or has resolved. If a leveler gets level counters due to some other effect (such as Clockspinning) or loses level counters for some reason (such as Vampire Hexmage), its level is changed accordingly.
Effects that modify a leveler’s power or toughness, such as the effects of Giant Growth or Glorious Anthem, will apply to it no matter when they started to take effect. The same is true for counters that change the creature’s power or toughness (such as +1/+1 counters) and effects that switch its power and toughness.
The abilities a leveler grants to itself don’t overwrite any other abilities it may have. In particular, they don’t overwrite the creature’s level up ability; it always has that.
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