姓名 | Bonus Round |
图案 | Bonus Round |
类型 | 法术 |
描述 | 直到回合结束,每当一个玩家施放一个瞬间或术士法术时,该玩家复制它并可以选择新的目标进行复制。 |
Flavor | 当双重咒语奖励轮开始时,由于对不可思议的技艺的期待,人群都向前倾身。 |
艺术家 | Lake Hurwitz |
版 | 名单 #BBD-56 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
姓名 | Bonus Round |
图案 | Bonus Round |
类型 | 法术 |
描述 | 直到回合结束,每当一个玩家施放一个瞬间或术士法术时,该玩家复制它并可以选择新的目标进行复制。 |
Flavor | 当双重咒语奖励轮开始时,由于对不可思议的技艺的期待,人群都向前倾身。 |
艺术家 | Lake Hurwitz |
版 | 名单 #BBD-56 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
Bonus Round , 法术, 设计者 Lake Hurwitz 首次发布于 Jun, 2018 在编辑中 Battlebond 并准确地印在 2 不同的形状. 目前以最低价出售 1.78. 这是一张钥匙卡 1 combos.
一个专注于施放大量瞬间和法术的套牌,比如红蓝控制或连击原型的法术套牌,将从包含Bonus Round中获益良多。虽然Bonus Round可以创造爆炸性和改变游戏的回合,但由于其高法力成本和潜在的使对手受益的风险,它也可能存在风险。像千年风暴这样的其他卡牌可能为法术密集型套牌提供更一致和更强大的效果,使Bonus Round成为一种情景选择,可能不会在竞技魔术:聚会套牌中得到广泛应用。
A copy is created even if the spell that caused Bonus Round’s ability to trigger has been countered by the time that ability resolves. The copy resolves before the original spell.
Bonus Round’s ability will copy any instant or sorcery spell, not just one with targets.
If the spell that’s copied is modal (that is, it says “Choose one —” or the like), the copy will have the same mode. Its controller can’t choose a different one.
The controller of the copy can’t choose to pay any additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy too.
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