Chandra Ablaze 尘炎香德拉, 传奇法术师 — 查恩德拉, 设计者 Steve Argyle 首次发布于 May, 2020 在编辑中 Zendikar. 见游戏 1 格式: Commander. 目前以最低价出售 4.44.
一个专注于红色法术和激进风格的套牌会受益于包含Chandra Ablaze,因为她的能力与弃牌和施放红色卡牌相互配合得很好。然而,像Chandra, Torch of Defiance或Chandra, Pyromaster这样的更有多功能性能力和对战局的即时影响的更好选择,使它们在竞技Magic: The Gathering套牌中更常见。Chandra Ablaze仍然可以在围绕红色法术和墓地互动的更休闲或主题套牌中发挥作用。
If the creature targeted by the first ability is an illegal target by the time it resolves, the entire ability doesn’t resolve. You won’t discard a card.
If you activate Chandra Ablaze’s first ability, you don’t discard a card until the ability resolves. You may activate the ability even if your hand is empty. You choose a target as you activate the ability even if you have no red cards in hand at that time.
You cast red instant cards and red sorcery cards from your graveyard as part of the resolution of Chandra Ablaze’s third ability. You don’t choose which ones to cast until you’re actually doing so as the ability resolves. You cast only the ones you want to, and you may cast them in any order. Timing restrictions based on the card’s type (if it’s a sorcery) are ignored. Other restrictions are not (such as “Cast [this card] only during combat”). Each card you cast this way is put on the stack, then the ability finishes resolving. Those spells will then resolve as normal, one at a time, in the opposite order that they were put on the stack. They’ll go back to the graveyard as they resolve.
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