关于 盧德維佳作寇姆
盧德維佳作寇姆, 傳奇生物 ~殭屍/驚懼獸, 设计者 Aaron Miller 首次发布于 Nov, 2016 在编辑中 Commander 2016 并准确地印在 4 不同的形状. 目前以最低价出售 23.41.
Kraum, Ludevic's Opus是一个很好的选择,适合一个以法术为主的节奏或控制牌组,旨在破坏对手的游戏计划,同时抽取卡牌以保持卡牌优势。尽管Kraum在对手施放第二个法术时抽取卡牌的能力很强大,但还有其他卡片,如Snapcaster Mage或Jace,Vryn's Prodigy,在某些情况下可能提供更灵活和更有价值的选择。然而,Kraum的飞行和急速使其成为一个强大的威胁,可以在给对手施加压力的同时提供卡牌优势,使其成为那些希望保持节奏和控制游戏的牌组的一个稳固选择。
If something refers to your commander while you have two commanders, it refers to one of them of your choice. If you are instructed to perform an action on your commander (e.g. put it from the command zone into your hand due to Command Beacon), you choose one of your commanders at the time the effect happens.
If your Commander deck has two commanders, you can only include cards whose own color identities are also found in your commanders’ combined color identities. If Falthis and Kediss are your commanders, your deck may contain cards with black and/or red in their color identity, but not cards with green, white, or blue.
Kraum’s triggered ability will resolve regardless of whether the first or second spell that a given opponent cast that turn has resolved, was countered, or is still on the stack. Notably, the ability will always resolve before the second spell resolves.
One opponent must cast two spells for Kraum’s triggered ability to trigger. Two spells from different opponents won’t cause it to trigger.
To have two commanders, both must have the partner ability as the game begins. Losing the ability during the game doesn’t cause either to cease to be your commander.
You can choose two commanders with partner that are the same color or colors. In Commander Draft, you can even choose two of the same commander with partner if you drafted them. If you do this, make sure you keep the number of times you’ve cast each from the command zone clear for “commander tax” purposes.
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