发出号召, 巫术, 设计者 Jim Nelson 首次发布于 Jul, 2006 在编辑中 Coldsnap. 目前以最低价出售 0.06.
发出召唤在专注于产生生物协同作用并最大化坟墓场中同名卡牌数量的绿色令牌或部落牌组中最为有利,例如围绕自磨或递归策略构建的牌组。虽然如果坟墓场中有多个副本,它可以创造出潜在的强大生物,但它可能会被 Tarmogoyf 或 Scute Swarm 等卡牌所超越,这些卡牌提供了更一致的力量和弹性。总体而言,它可以在休闲或主题套牌中发挥作用,但可能很难在更优化的环境中找到竞争位置。
If Sound the Call resolves while all graveyards are empty, first a 1/1 token is created, then the Sound the Call card is put into your graveyard, which makes the token 2/2. Although the token is momentarily 1/1, state-based actions aren’t checked until after the Sound the Call card used to create the token is in a graveyard. For example, if Night of Souls’ Betrayal is on the battlefield, the Wolf will momentarily be 0/0. By the time state-based actions are checked, it will be 1/1, so it will remain on the battlefield.
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