姓名 | 双卡斯特 |
图案 | Twincast |
类型 | 立即的 |
描述 | 复制目标瞬间或结界法术。您可以为复制品选择新目标。 |
Flavor | 模仿是最危险的奉承形式。 |
艺术家 | Christopher Moeller |
版 | 魔法2010 #78 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
姓名 | 双卡斯特 |
图案 | Twincast |
类型 | 立即的 |
描述 | 复制目标瞬间或结界法术。您可以为复制品选择新目标。 |
Flavor | 模仿是最危险的奉承形式。 |
艺术家 | Christopher Moeller |
版 | 魔法2010 #78 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
双卡斯特, 立即的, 设计者 Christopher Moeller 首次发布于 Jun, 2005 在编辑中 Saviors of Kamigawa 并准确地印在 3 不同的形状. 见游戏 1 格式: Commander. 目前以最低价出售 4.26. 这是一张钥匙卡 1 combos.
Twincast 是一张多功能卡牌,可在各种套牌中发挥作用,尤其是那些专注于控制或组合策略的套牌。它提供了复制强大的即时或魔法咒语的能力,从而提高了灵活性和获胜游戏的潜力。虽然还有其他类似的卡牌(如 Fork 或 Reiterate)提供类似的效果,但 Twincast 在 UU 方面的效率使其成为包含在寻求最大化法术重复的套牌中的有力竞争者。总体而言,Twincast 是一张可靠的卡牌,绝对应该在希望利用其复制能力的套牌中发挥作用。
If the spell that’s copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast, the copy will have the same value of X.
The copy will have the same targets as the spell it’s copying unless you choose new ones. You may change any number of the targets, including all of them or none of them. If, for one of the targets, you can’t choose a new legal target, then it remains unchanged (even if the current target is illegal).
Twincast can copy any instant or sorcery spell, not just one with targets.
You can’t choose to pay any alternative or additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any alternative or additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy.
If the spell Twincast copies has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Earthquake does), the copy has the same value of X.
Twincast can target (and copy) any instant or sorcery spell, not just one with targets. It doesn’t matter who controls it.
You can’t choose to pay any additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any additional costs paid for the targeted spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy too.
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