Crag Puca, 生物 — 变形者, 设计者 John Franklin Howe 首次发布于 Jul, 2008 在编辑中 Eventide. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 0.85.
一个专注于节奏和控制策略的套牌,比如在《魔法风云》中的蓝红法术师套牌,可以从使用Crag Puca中获益。它可以切换力量和耐力的能力可以用来防御保护免受威胁或进攻以出其不意。虽然Crag Puca可能是一个有趣而多才多艺的卡牌,可以包含在这样的套牌中,但根据具体的策略和元环境,可能会有更好的选择。像Delver of Secrets或Snapcaster Mage这样的卡牌可能会提供更一致的价值和影响,但Crag Puca仍然可以在更休闲或实验性的套牌中发挥作用,因为它独特的能力和潜在的意外发挥。
Effects that switch a creature’s power and toughness apply after all other effects, regardless of when those effects began to apply. For instance, if you target a 1/2 creature then give it +2/+0 later in the turn, it’s a 2/3 creature, not a 4/1 creature.
Switching a creature’s power and toughness twice (or any even number of times) effectively returns the creature to the power and toughness it had before any switches.
Effects that switch power and toughness apply after all other effects that change power and/or toughness, regardless of which effect was created first.
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