有瑕疵的侦探, 生物 — 人类间谍, 设计者 Matt Dixon 首次发布于 May, 2020 在编辑中 Unstable. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 0.73.
这张卡片,Defective Detective,适合专注于通过获取关于对手手牌的信息并可能移除关键卡牌来干扰对手策略的套牌。虽然它有独特的能力可以无法阻挡并提供手牌干扰,但像Thoughtseize或Inquisition of Kozilek这样的更好的卡牌提供了更一致和强大的手牌干扰效果。然而,Defective Detective仍然可以在寻找一种有趣和古怪的方式来干扰对手计划的套牌中发挥作用。
If there’s no one around to make a decision, you can call or text someone if you need to. If there’s a physical action required, such as high-fiving, you’ll need someone there.
You can choose any player not currently in your game. This includes people who used to be in your game but left it.
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