知识剥削, 部族巫术 — 无赖, 设计者 Darrell Riche 首次发布于 Feb, 2008 在编辑中 Morningtide. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 43.42.
这张卡在《魔法风云》中的Rogue部落套牌中会很有益处,因为它与部落主题相得益彰,并奖励使用Rogue造成战斗伤害。然而,有更好的选择来获得类似的效果,比如Gonti, Lord of Luxury,它允许您从对手的牌库中施放任何牌,而不仅仅是瞬间或法术。知识利用可能会在更休闲或主题套牌中发挥作用,但竞技套牌可能会选择更多样化或更强大的选项。
You cast the instant or sorcery card as part of the resolution of this spell. It’s cast from your opponent’s library, not your hand. You choose modes, pay additional costs, choose targets, etc. for the spell as normal when casting it. Any X in the mana cost will be 0. Alternative costs can’t be paid.
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