Stonewood Invocation 石木召唤, 瞬间法术, 设计者 Pete Venters 首次发布于 Oct, 2006 在编辑中 Time Spiral. 见游戏 1 格式: Commander. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 6.39.
这张卡在绿色为基础的进攻套牌中会很有益处,可以保护其关键生物免受除去法术或有针对性的能力的影响,同时也提供显著的力量提升,以迅速结束对手。尽管Stonewood Invocation是一个稳固的选择,但有人可能会认为像Vines of Vastwood或Blossoming Defense这样的卡牌提供了类似的保护,并增加了灵活性,这使它们可能是更好的选择,这取决于具体的套牌策略。最终,Stonewood Invocation可能会在某些元游戏或副牌情况下发挥作用,其中隐蔽特别有价值。
If the resolution of a triggered ability involves casting a spell, that spell can’t be cast if a spell with split second is on the stack.
Players still get priority while a card with split second is on the stack; their options are just limited to mana abilities and certain special actions.
Split second doesn’t stop triggered abilities from triggering, such as that of Chalice of the Void. If one does, its controller puts it on the stack and chooses targets for it, if any. Those abilities will resolve as normal.
Casting a spell with split second won’t affect spells and abilities that are already on the stack.
Players still get priority while a card with split second is on the stack.
Split second doesn’t prevent triggered abilities from triggering. If one does, its controller puts it on the stack and chooses targets for it, if any. Those abilities will resolve as normal.
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