Facebook Pixel image Combo 奥札奇置换器 +阿达卡废土 +Lotus Vale +Cloud of Faeries + Magic: the Gathering MTG

MTG > Combos > 奥札奇置换器 +阿达卡废土 +Lotus Vale +Cloud of Faeries +

Tap Lotus Vale to add three mana, and tap Adarkar Wastes to add one colorless mana 使用莲花谷,加三点法力,使用阿达卡荒野,加一点无色法力 Activate Eldrazi Displacer's ability by targeting Cloud of Faeries to blink it 以艾德拉齐逐梦者的能力,以云仙灵为目标,将其闪烁 Cloud of Faeries' ability will trigger, untap Lotus Vale and Adarkar Wastes 云仙灵的能力将触发,解除莲花谷和阿达卡荒野的沉默 Repeat the process for infinite mana. 重复此过程,获得无限法力Edit combo

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