MTG > Combos > Middernachtwacht +Presence of Gond +
It is one of pauper's most famous combos, for a long time it has been explored for being a combo of only two cards. Perhaps it has not yet marked a significant presence in the goal because it is not in the colors of many cantrips and ways of tutoring the combo, as well as few ways to execute it safely.
Its execution is very simple, you just need to enchant the 
Midnight Guard
withPresence of Gond
and activate the enchantment ability, tapping the guard in order to make a token. The entry of the token on the battlefield will trigger the Guard's ability, causing him to untap. So, just repeat the process to generate an unlimited amount of tokens.Legallity
Commander Legacy Modern Pauper Block Booster Draft Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Pauper Commander Pauper Penny Pauper Singleton Penny Dreadful Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Ralf • reviewed
— Comments0
Rafael • 25/05/20
Pedro Sales • 07/04/20
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