MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Orzhov Pestilence
About Pauper Orzhov Pestilence
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Orzhov Pestilence is a deck with the following key cards: Glint Hawk, Refurbished Familiar, Tiendenmes , Lembas, Goldmire Bridge, Neerwerpen, Gewelf van gefluister, Ancient Den, with an overall win percentage of 50.0% in 54 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Mono-White Heroic and Grixis Affinity and worst against Mono-White Heroic and Grixis Affinity. In recent appearances MiguelMezher made 3V-1L at Tropical Pauper 198 and Ninetales13 made 4V-0L at Fuguete League 181.
Main Deck cards Orzhov Pestilence
Sideboard cards Orzhov Pestilence
The "Orzhov Pestilence" deck in the Pauper format of Magic: The Gathering focuses on controlling the board and disrupting the opponent's strategy while maintaining card advantage. The deck aims to grind out incremental advantages and eventually overpower the opponent with efficient removal and card advantage engines. One of the key strategies of the deck is to use cards like Tithing Blade // Consuming Sepulcher and Inspiring Overseer to generate value over time by recurring creatures and creating a board presence. Glint Hawk and Kor Skyfisher help to reuse powerful enter-the-battlefield effects, while cards like Dust to Dust and Unmake deal with problematic permanents efficiently. The deck's good points include its strong synergy between creatures and spells, its ability to handle a variety of threats, and its resilience in grinding out games against opposing decks. The presence of cards like Relic of Progenitus and Bojuka Bog also give the deck game against graveyard-based strategies. However, the deck can struggle against aggressive decks that can go under its removal spells and disrupt its game plan. It can also have difficulty dealing with decks that go over the top with big threats or overwhelming card advantage engines. Additionally, the deck's reliance on its synergies can make it vulnerable to disruption strategies that target key pieces of its engine. Overall, the "Orzhov Pestilence" deck in Pauper is a solid and versatile option for players looking to control the board and outvalue their opponents over the course of a game. It rewards strategic play and careful resource management, making it a rewarding choice for skilled players.
Pauper deck Orzhov Pestilence: Last winning deck
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