I'm Tiago Fuguete, and we're back with another Deck Tech for Pauper. Today we're going to discuss another version of Boros Synthesizer, but using black, and talk a little about whether it's worth playing with three colors ()
About the Deck
For those who know me, you know how much I enjoy playing with the Boros Synthesizer. I've streamed a lot and played important Leagues and Championships with the deck and got good results, but then, why mess with it, right?
I feel that the black color gives us greater strength in the deck and allows us to use great cards that we have in the format and get an “advantage” in certain matchups.
Our Deck:
Black cards included: Omen of the Dead, Chainer's Edict, Suffocating Fumes and Deadly Dispute, but I'm sure the biggest question is "Why have these cards in the deck?". I will talk about their advantages and disadvantages.

Pros: If you know, have used, or played against Omen of the Dead's interaction with Kor Skyfisher, you know why this is a great choice. There is also the fact that our deck has only 8 creatures, so having the recursion to have an "immortal" Kor Skyfisher will be essential for our game plan.
And Omen of the Dead still has an ability that we often forget: scry 2. Make no mistake, this is great because if you know Boros, you know how much we don't want to draw lands on later turns.
Disadvantage: It is relatively weak to graveyard hate.

Advantages: If you have played against Auras with Boros, you already know the need to use this card that can also be used against several creatures such as Gurmag Angler, Tolarian Terror and Guardian of the Guildpact.
Disadvantage: It is a card that ends up depending on others, if your opponent has several creatures, and you end up having a “dead” card in your hand, needing to use Lightning Bolt and Galvanic Blast, which is when comes our next cards.

Advantages: Suffocating Fumes can help improve Chainer's Edict in many cases, like against Mono Red Kuldotha, Boros Bully, Elves, among others. But why not run Electrickery, since it's red, it's in the deck color, and it costs one less mana? The answer is because Suffocating Fumes can be recycled and there will be games where it won't be put to good use, and in those circumstances, Electrickery would get stuck in our hand.
Disadvantage: I think the biggest disadvantage would be costing three mana.

Advantages: Here I would like to write only that the advantage is having Deadly Dispute in the deck. It even seems self-explanatory to me, but I have to say that in a black deck that runs artifacts, there's no reason not to play Deadly Dispute.
Deadly Dispute suits our deck a lot, we have great targets to sacrifice, and drawing cards is always good.
Disadvantage: None.
Postures and Mulligan
The dream posture of our deck is to assemble our manabase, mainly thanks to Cleansing Wildfire, remove our opponent's first creatures and get to the next turns with several mana to exploit the power of Experimental Synthesizer to the fullest, playing it followed by the creatures Kor Skyfisher and Glint Hawk to snowball our opponents with value.
What happens is that it is not always like that. A three-color deck in Pauper is always complicated and needs a “time” in the game and to hold things up, we have plenty of removals, life gains and many card draws to search for everything our deck has good.
Mulligan is definitely something that could slow us down. As I said above, the fact of having three colors can give us hands where the right color is missing and this can even happen frequently, but not always a mulligan means that we will be behind in the game because our deck has a good reactive core.
Sideboard Guide
I'm going to build a sideboard according to today's meta on the Cards Realm website and the first five decks are: Kuldotha Burn, Grixis Affinity, Dimir Terror, Selesnya Hexproof and Rakdos Burn, which I'm going to exchange for the 6th deck, Boros Synthesizer, since the Rakdos looks a lot like Kuldotha Burn.
Which is the worst enemy of Pauper Mardu Synthesizer?

vs. Kuldotha Burn
Rakdos Burn, Kuldotha Burn and all Mono Red are tricky matches. It's always a very tight match because our deck is a bit slow compared to all these bolts and creatures attacking us all the time, but if we manage to stabilize, gain a life and play the removals at the right time, it's a match that we also have a chance of winning.
Our post-side matchup improves a bit since we have more life gain and blockers.
A note to the post-side is whether to use Gorilla Shaman, since many of these Burns have been using mana and artifacts in the deck. I don't really like them on these matchups, but it's up to you.
Side in:

Side out:

vs. Grixis Affinity
This is a pretty even match. Our opponent's deck is great, but we're prepared to try to keep up with the amount of cards they're going to draw. I warn you that it can even be a game that ends in time, so it's important to play fast from the beginning.
Post side: We have cards like Gorilla Shaman and Dust to Dust that must be played as soon as possible, and that if well-placed can easily give us the victory.
Side in:

Side out:

vs. Dimir Terror
Dimir Terror is a deck that appeared recently and is not a simple game to play either. A comparison between the two decks is the amount of creatures in each: we have only 8 and they have up to 10 and while ours are 2/2 and 2/3, theirs are mostly 5/5, being difficult to take out of the game since our removals outside Journey to Nowhere and Chainer's Edict can't deal with them on a 1-for-1 basis.
Post side: We'll get more answers. Despite playing with only two Pyroblast on the side, we still have two more Diabolic Edict and two Relic of Progenitus, which needs to be used very efficiently.
Side in:

Side out:

vs. GW Auras
This matchup I have as one of the worst. Even using a Chainer's Edict in the main deck, I still suffer a lot in this game because we have more than ten “dead” cards and since we have fewer creatures, we take longer to kill our opponent, which allows them enough time to draw the right auras to win the game.
Note: In this match we have a card that we need to pay attention to and not use for our own good, but to hinder our opponent:Cleansing Wildfire.
Side in:

Side out:

vs. Boros Synthesizer
Finally, let's talk about almost a mirror. I feel like our deck could be a bit better with the addition of black cards.
Examples are: Whenever our opponent uses a bolt on Kor Skyfisher, and we cast Omen of the Dead, we will be way ahead in the game, in addition to also having Deadly Dispute, which ends up drawing more cards.
An excellent card we have post-side is Dust to Dust, which can be practically lethal for any side when played at the right time.
Side in:

Side out:

To end yet another article, I say that this deck is great, but it's not so simple to play, due to the many lines you can take during the game. Even so, I suggest that you ride and test it and then come back here to tell me what you think.
If you have any questions or suggestions, just leave them in the comments, and I'll talk about it!
Thank you very much and I hope you enjoyed the reading.
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