MTG > Combos > Pitiless Plunderer +Bastion of Remembrance +Chatterfang, Squirrel General +
1) With
Chatterfang, Squirrel General
andPitiless Plunderer
on the battlefield: castBastion of Memory
.Bastion of Remembrance
will create a 1/1 Squirrel Token and a 1/1 Human Soldier Token thanks toChatterfang
. 2) If there is an untapped swamp or unused black mana, Pay and sacrifice 1 squirrel token to useChatterfang, Squirrel General
's ability on the human soldier token. Both the Squirrel Token and the Human Soldier Token will die.Bastion of Rememberence
will trigger twice. Each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life. Pitiless Plunderer's ability will also trigger. This will create two Treasure Tokens and two Squirrel Tokens thanks toChatterfang, Squirrel General
. 3) Sacrifice a Treasure token for Pay and sacrifice 1 squirrel token to useChatterfang, Squirrel General
's ability on the other squirrel token. Both Squirrel Tokens will die.Bastion of Rememberence
will activate twice. Each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life. Pitiless Plunderer's ability will also activate. This will create two Treasure Tokens and two Squirrel Tokens thanks toChatterfang, Squirrel General
. 4) Repeat Step 3Legallity
Commander Historic Legacy Modern Block Booster Draft Brawl Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Historic Brawl Oathbreaker Sealed event Timeless Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Hunter Armstron • reviewed
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