Double Masters brought new cards to Pauper mainly with the change in rarity made by the edition. When we stopped to analyze, the reprints were great, but only 3 "new" cards entered Pauper's Metagame, let's see which ones?
To be on the same page, metagame here we consider Challengers, SCG tournaments and X-1 finishers from tournaments that took place on Cards Realm with more than 32 players. Pauper cards that only appeared in MTGO's 5-0 lists were eliminated because they were chosen by Wizards of the Coast, but some 5-0 decklists will be shown here as examples.
3º - Bone Picker - 24 units in 6% of the decks

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Bone Picker entered in an already known deck: Mono Black Devotion or Mono Black Control. The proposal on this deck is to cast him on turn 2, killing an opponent's creature with Disfigure or Defile. So there is pressure from the beginning.
This time the list has removals to lower the cost of Bone Picker, but it also has Mulldrifter, a card that dies soon after it is cast using evoke.
2º - Abrade - 31 units in 19% of the decks

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Abrade in general made a big change to the metagame. The Temur Affinity deck that was on the rise saw itself going from 5% to 1.5% of the metagame as soon as Double Masters started sailing. Abrade can be seen on the most diverse decks in both MainBoard and Sideboard.
From higher decks to more control decks, Abrade is being played. A great explanation for so much Abrade is Bonder's Ornament. Bonder is among the 20 most played cards of the format, a staple that has entered several decks.
1º - Cast Down - 68 units in 28% of the decks

Find here metagame decks with this card.
The highest impact card in Double Masters for Pauper was Cast Down. Pauper has very few legendary creatures and they are not played. Ramirez DePietro only sees a small portion of the metagame as a sideboard on some lists. Find all the legendary creatures in Pauper here. This feature of Pauper makes Cast Down a removal of almost everything from the format for only 2 mana and only one being black!
Due to its low cost, many lists are adding Cast Down even though they don't have a strong black mana base as you can see in the above Tron.
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