MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck U
حول Pauper U
الانتماء إلى metagame Pauper, U عبارة عن مجموعة من البطاقات الرئيسية التالية: مع نسبة فوز إجمالية تبلغ 20.0% في 15 ألعاب في الأشهر الستة الماضية. . في المظاهر الأخيرة JUJUBEAN__2004 هو فعل 4V-0د في ال Pauper Preliminary and Toggen هو فعل 3V-1د في ال Pauper Preliminary.
The "U" deck in Pauper Magic: The Gathering is a blue-based control deck that aims to disrupt the opponent's game plan while establishing card advantage and eventually winning through evasive creatures or repeated triggers. Here is a breakdown of the key aspects of the deck: **Strategy:** - The primary strategy of the "U" deck is to control the game by countering opponent's spells, bouncing their permanents, and drawing cards to maintain resources. - The deck relies on efficient blue spells like Counterspell, Dispel, and Spell Pierce to disrupt the opponent's plays and protect its own game plan. - Cards like Ninja of the Deep Hours and Delver of Secrets provide a clock to pressure the opponent and close out the game. **Strengths:** - The deck excels at disrupting combo and control decks with its counterspells and bounce effects. - By drawing cards and filtering through the deck with Brainstorm, Preordain, and Thought Scour, the "U" deck can find answers and threats consistently. - Efficient creatures like Ninja of the Deep Hours and Delver of Secrets can quickly close out games if left unchecked. **Weaknesses:** - The "U" deck can struggle against fast aggro decks that can go under its disruption and pressure its life total. - Lack of hard removal spells can be a weakness against large threats or resilient creatures. - Dependency on critical mass of cards in hand or graveyard for cards like Myr Enforcer, Moon-Circuit Hacker, and Jace's Erasure can make the deck vulnerable to disruption. Overall, the "U" deck in Pauper is a versatile and interactive deck that rewards skilled piloting and decision-making. By disrupting opponents, drawing cards, and deploying threats, the deck can adapt to different matchups and emerge victorious with precise gameplay.
Pauper deck U: آخر مجموعة فائزة
القوائم الأخيرة
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