MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Golgari Ramp
About Pauper Golgari Ramp
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Golgari Ramp is a deck with the following key cards: Swamp, Cast Down, Deadly Dispute, Writhing Chrysalis, Khalni Garden, Lembas, Twisted Landscape, Troll of Khazad-dûm, Eviscerator's Insight, with an overall win percentage of 48.7% in 416 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Jund Glee Combo and White Weenie and worst against Gruul Ponza and Kuldotha Burn. In recent appearances Sheeposo made 3V-1L at FUGUETE CHAMP 218 and joaolucas made 3V-1L at FUGUETE CHAMP 214.
Main Deck cards Golgari Ramp
Sideboard cards Golgari Ramp
The Golgari Ramp deck in Pauper focuses on ramping up mana quickly with cards like Khalni Garden, Golgari Rot Farm, and Avenging Hunter to play powerful threats early in the game. The strategy involves generating a lot of mana to cast big creatures like Troll of Khazad-dûm and Crypt Rats, while also disrupting the opponent's game plan with cards like Duress and Relic of Progenitus. Some good points of the deck include its ability to ramp up quickly and play powerful threats ahead of curve, as well as its disruption suite to disrupt the opponent's strategies. Cards like Weather the Storm and Defile can help the deck gain life and deal with threats efficiently. However, some weaknesses of the deck include vulnerability to aggressive strategies due to the lack of early blockers and interaction. The deck might struggle against fast aggro decks that can apply pressure quickly before the ramp plan can come online. Additionally, the deck may also struggle against heavy control decks that can easily answer its threats. Overall, Golgari Ramp in Pauper can be a fun and powerful deck to play, especially if you enjoy playing with big creatures and disrupting your opponent's plans. Adjusting the deck to include more early game interaction or ways to deal with specific matchups can help improve its overall performance.
Pauper deck Golgari Ramp: Last winning deck
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