MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Rakdos Affinity
About Pauper Rakdos Affinity
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Rakdos Affinity is a deck with the following key cards: Refurbished Familiar, Reckoner's Bargain, Drossforge Bridge, Galvanic Blast, Vault of Whispers, Great Furnace, Myr Enforcer, Ichor Wellspring, Deadly Dispute, with an overall win percentage of 50.0% in 56 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Mono Blue Tempo and Gruul Ponza and worst against Mono Blue Tempo and Gruul Ponza. In recent appearances TheExterminator made 3V-1L at Pauper Royale 225 and VaT69 made 3V-1L at Pauper Royale 224.
Main Deck cards Rakdos Affinity
Sideboard cards Rakdos Affinity
The Rakdos Affinity deck in Pauper Magic: The Gathering is an aggressive artifact-based deck that leverages artifacts to generate mana and cast cheap spells quickly. The strategy of the deck is to flood the board with artifacts such as Drossforge Bridge, Great Furnace, Darksteel Citadel, and Mistvault Bridge, allowing you to cast your powerful artifact creatures like Myr Enforcer, and Frogmite for free or at a reduced cost. One of the key strengths of the deck is its explosive potential, as it can quickly overwhelm the opponent with a large number of threats early in the game. Cards like Galvanic Blast and Deadly Dispute provide removal options and card advantage, while cards like Chromatic Star and Ichor Wellspring help you draw cards and dig deeper into your deck. However, the deck can be susceptible to board wipes and removal spells that target artifacts. Additionally, the mana base of the deck, relying on cards like Vault of Whispers and Silverbluff Bridge, can be fragile and vulnerable to disruption. Overall, the Rakdos Affinity deck is a fast and aggressive deck that can catch opponents off guard with its explosive starts. It rewards careful resource management and smart decision-making to capitalize on its powerful synergies and overwhelm opponents.
Pauper deck Rakdos Affinity: Last winning deck
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