Magic: the Gathering


Quiz: Would You Be Compleated by New Phyrexia?

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Would you be one of the lucky few that comes out unharmed, or one of the unlucky compleated? Answer this quiz and find out whether or not you would be the new addition to New Phyrexia's army!

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traduzido por Joey

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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With the closer and closer release of Phyrexia: All Will Be Onelink outside website, many players are anxious to find out if one of their planeswalkers will be compleated by Phyrexia or not.

We've prepared this quiz to celebrate this very awaited for climax in the game's history and help you find out if you would come out unharmed in a battle against the praetor army.

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Imagine you are a planeswalker. Which would be your plane of origin?

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DominariaCorrect symbol

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KaladeshCorrect symbol

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KamigawaCorrect symbol

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A plane that is unknown so farCorrect symbol

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You're in a new plane and someone offers you a cup with a shiny black liquid, you:

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Accept without a thought because it's a free drinkCorrect symbol

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Refuses because you don't accept anything from strangersCorrect symbol

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Pretend you've accepted it, but throw it outCorrect symbol

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Stare at that different drink curiouslyCorrect symbol

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Choose an Ajani:

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Ajani, Sleeper AgentCorrect symbol

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Ajani VengeantCorrect symbol

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Ajani, Valiant ProtectorCorrect symbol

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Ajani, Adversary of TyrantsCorrect symbol

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Would you like to have:

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The opportunity of fulfilling all your ambitionsCorrect symbol

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A body that doesn't get weaker or suffers with diseaseCorrect symbol

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A safe home to return toCorrect symbol

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A Thopter with a funny shapeCorrect symbol

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Now choose a Food Token:

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Mysterious FoodCorrect symbol

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Sad FoodCorrect symbol

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Yummy FoodCorrect symbol

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Wild FoodCorrect symbol

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Which of these moments made you sadder?

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Jaya's Death in Dominaria UnitedCorrect symbol

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Giada's sacrifice in Streets of New CapennaCorrect symbol

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Venser's sacrifice in MirrodinCorrect symbol

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Avacyn's death in Shadows over InnistradCorrect symbol

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Choose a Tamiyo:

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Tamiyo, Field ResearcherCorrect symbol

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Tamiyo, the Moon SageCorrect symbol

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Tamiyo, Collector of TalesCorrect symbol

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Tamiyo, Compleated SageCorrect symbol

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Choose a quote:

“Only by the bravery of those who put loyalty above glory is our home kept safe.”Correct symbol

“Improvisation is for those who failed to prepare.”Correct symbol

“The strong eat. The weak are eaten. That’s the way of things.”Correct symbol

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to deprive you of all your secrets. Just your most precious one.”Correct symbol

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Which Praetor would you like to know?

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VorinclexCorrect symbol

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UrabraskCorrect symbol

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SheoldredCorrect symbol

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Jin-GitaxiasCorrect symbol

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Which of these sects would you avoid facing?

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The Progress Engine, Jin-GitaxiasCorrect symbol

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The Seven Steel Thanes, SheoldredCorrect symbol

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The Vicious Swarm, VorinclexCorrect symbol

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The Machine Orthodoxy, Elesh NornCorrect symbol

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Your plane needs to prepare itself for New Phyrexia's attack. What do you do?

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Gather the best soldiers to defend itCorrect symbol

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I try to evacuate the plane's inhabitants to a safe placeCorrect symbol

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Run, escape and hide as fast as I canCorrect symbol

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I trust my abilities and go to battle without much thought.Correct symbol
