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MTG > Cards Realm > Decks > killersuv (3-1)

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2021-07-07 17:15 UTC

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Karn Echo meta

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Mesmeric Orb
Basalt Monolith
Kozilek, Slager van de Waarheid
Slogurk, the Overslime

4186 Eye Solid icon


Mesmeric Orb
Basalt Monolith
Gaea's Blessing
Slogurk, the Overslime

6134 Eye Solid icon


Mesmeric Orb
Basalt Monolith
Thassa's orakel
Grolnok, de alleseter

9110 Eye Solid icon


Mesmeric Orb
Basalt Monolith
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
Grolnok, de alleseter

6823 Eye Solid icon


Mesmeric Orb
Basalt Monolith
Tormod, the Desecrator

5487 Eye Solid icon


Mesmeric Orb
Basalt Monolith
Kozilek, Slager van de Waarheid
Tormod, the Desecrator

4398 Eye Solid icon


Karn, the Great Creator

34220 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Nyxbloom Ancient

12381 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Power Artifact

8795 Eye Solid icon


Rings of Brighthearth
Basalt Monolith

16645 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy

26175 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Zirda, the Dawnwaker

14820 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Forsaken Monument

18349 Eye Solid icon


Wake Thrasher
Basalt Monolith

6312 Eye Solid icon


Mana Reflection
Basalt Monolith

6850 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Karn, the Great Creator

5259 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Karn, the Great Creator

5062 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Tezzeret, verrader van vlees

10973 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Karn, the Great Creator
Unctus, Grand Metatect

4041 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Karn, the Great Creator
Agatha of the Vile Cauldron

2996 Eye Solid icon


Basalt Monolith
Forensic Gadgeteer

4197 Eye Solid icon


Lion's Eye Diamond

11471 Eye Solid icon


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