MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck B
About Pauper B
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, B is a deck with the following key cards: Swamp, Snuff Out, Deadly Dispute, Troll of Khazad-dûm, Cast Down, Crypt Rats, Witch's Cottage, Bojuka Bog, Nihil Spellbomb, with an overall win percentage of 40.5% in 276 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against BG and Gruul Ponza and worst against Rakdos Burn and GW Auras. In recent appearances Ray_Penber made 3V-1L at Fuguete League 177 and Deadfubs made 3V-1L at Pauper Royale 173.
Main Deck cards B
Sideboard cards B
Deck "B" in the Pauper format of Magic: The Gathering be a mono-black deck focused on disruption and control elements. The deck looks like it has a mix of removal spells, hand disruption, and creatures that can generate card advantage. Some strategies you could employ with this deck might involve using cards like Duress and Raven's Crime to disrupt your opponent's plans, while using cards like Crypt Rats and Gempalm Polluter to control the board and clear out your opponent's creatures. Gurmag Angler can be a powerful finisher in the late game due to its delve ability. Relentless Rats can also provide a strong presence on the battlefield, especially if you manage to get multiple copies on the board. One potential weakness of this deck could be its vulnerability to aggressive decks that can apply early pressure and bypass your disruption spells. It also appears to lack some key common staples seen in more traditional Pauper mono-black control decks, such as Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Overall, this deck seems like it has the potential to disrupt your opponent's plans while controlling the game with a mix of removal and card advantage, but it might struggle against certain matchups and specific strategies.
Pauper deck B: Last winning deck
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