MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Mono Red Aggro
About Pauper Mono Red Aggro
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Mono Red Aggro is a deck with the following key cards: Mountain, Voldaren Epicure, Lightning Bolt, Kuldotha Rebirth, Experimental Synthesizer, Galvanic Blast, Goblin Tomb Raider, Great Furnace, Goblin Bushwhacker, with an overall win percentage of 51.4% in 4877 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Azorius Acid Moss and MonoBlack Arritocrats and worst against B R and White Weenie. In recent appearances GodGladiator made 3V-1L at Fuguete League 208 and Hericllys made 3V-1L at TORNEIO PAUPER DO WEBER - TIX PRO TOP 8 21/01.
Main Deck cards Mono Red Aggro
Sideboard cards Mono Red Aggro
The Mono Red Aggro deck in Pauper Magic: The Gathering is a fast and aggressive deck that aims to overwhelm the opponent with quick, efficient creatures and burn spells. The strategy of the deck is to play cheap and efficient creatures like Goblin Bushwhacker and Goblin Blast-Runner, and support them with burn spells like Lightning Bolt and Galvanic Blast to clear the way for your creatures to attack. Some good points of the deck include its speed and ability to quickly close out games before the opponent has a chance to stabilize. The deck can also have explosive turns with cards like Kuldotha Rebirth and Fireblast, allowing you to deal a lot of damage in a single turn. However, some drawbacks of the deck include its vulnerability to removal spells and board wipes, as the deck relies heavily on its creatures to deal damage. Additionally, the deck can sometimes struggle against decks with lots of lifegain or creatures with high toughness that are difficult to remove. Overall, Mono Red Aggro is a fun and fast-paced deck that can be very powerful in the right metagame, but it requires good timing and careful decision-making to pilot successfully.
Pauper deck Mono Red Aggro: Last winning deck
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