MTG > Combos > Myr Galvanizer +Myr Galvanizer +Palladium Myr +
Palladium Myr
to generate 2 colorless mana. Use 1 of that mana to untap every Myr withMyr Galvanizer
, untapping the second Galvanizer and Palladium Myr. Generate mana again with Palladium Myr and use it to untap every other myr with the second Myr Galvanizer, untapping the first Galvanizer and Palladium Myr, netting 1 mana every time.Legallity
Legacy Modern Block Booster Draft Casual Conquest Extended Oathbreaker Penny Dreadful Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Luiz Besamat • reviewed
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