- Again, this a totally free tournament!
- We will be capping the amount of entrants to 40
- Decks must have a minimum of 60 cards for the main deck, with no maximum size. If using a sideboard, it must consist of exactly 15 cards.
- Other than Basic Lands, a deck may not contain more than one (1) copy of any Pauper-legal card. This includes cards in your sideboard. This rule overrides card text which allows any number of copies to be played in a deck. This includes cards such as Persistent Petitioners, Relentless Rats, etc. Again, no more than one (1) copy of any given card.
- Snow-covered lands are considered Basic Lands.
- BotB 2.0 will follow the official ban list for the Pauper format, which can be found here -
How to enter the tournament?
Click "I would like to play". After being added, you will appear in the standings. Put your MTGO name and Pauper Guild Discord name (if applicable) in your account and you are good to go.
TPG Battle of the Brews 2.0 schedule:
1st Round starts Monday, 7/20 at 7pm (CST)
2nd Round starts Tuesday, 7/21 at 7pm (CST)
3rd Round starts Thursday, 7/23 at 7pm (CST) - if needed
4th Round starts Saturday, 7/25 at 5pm (CST) - if needed
5th Round starts Monday, 7/27 at 7pm (CST) - if needed
Matches do NOT need to be played the time the rounds starts, but should be finished before the next round begins. Any incomplete matches or no-shows will be counted as a loss for those matches/games.
1st Place - 5 MTGO event Tix
2nd Place - 3 MTGO Event Tix
3rd Place - 2 MTGO Event Tix
4th Place - 1 MTGO Event Tix
*Any questions or concerns can be brought to the attention of The Pauper Guild administrators, found on Twitter - @pauper_b or @paupersphere. Also, you can join the chat in The Pauper Guild discord server (see link below).
Use this link to a Google Docs copy of the official Rules:
The Pauper Guild presents...
Battle of the Brews 2.0
Here we are, back again for another PAUPER SINGLETON tournament! The first one was so popular that we though we'd do it again!
5 rounds, top 4 get paid!
- Sign up!
- Brew it up!
- Get in the game!
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