Magic: the Gathering


Spanish journalist has been broadcasting wearing Magic shirts during quarantine

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Jair Dominguez does not hide his passion for Magic: the Gathering

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审核人 Tabata Marques

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Jair Dominguez is a journalist for TV3, a TV group from Catalonia, Spain. Due to the quarantine caused by the coronavirus, he was forced to start broadcasting online from his home instead of the traditional programs in a produced scenario.

Taking advantage of the comfort of his own home, Jair Dominguez began to present his journalistic programs with a shirt or jacket, instead of the traditional social shirt. At that time, Jair Dominguez proved to be a true lover of Magic, with several shirts of the game. He even appeared on the channel for 3 days in a row wearing Magic shirts.


An example of an episode on the channel is:

Did you notice the journalist's background and coat? Here is a printscreen:

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He is wearing a coat written Tolaria: the academy and we can see the art of [card] (Jester's cap) in the background. On another day, we see another shirt, but still with the same theme, Magic:

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Recently Jair was involved in a controversy. On one of the days at home, he was wearing a sticker on the arm of "Free Catalonia", asking for Catalonia's independence from Spain. Deputies even commented on the act, calling it disgusting.

When they ask him "Where is your identity from?" Jair Dominguez is sarcastic:

"Phyrexia" - answers Jair Dominguez. Who asked the question above for Jair on twitter was MTGO Salseo, a Spanish podcast from Magic. Apparently Jair Dominguez is also a fan of it and, of course, he already wore the shirt of the live podcast:

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What do you think about seeing a fan of Magic: the Gathering showing his passion live?