MTG > Combos > Descubrimiento de parientes +Altar de Ashnod +Kraken del nadir +
Kindred Discovery
name Kraken. When drawing a card, pay a mana to activate theNadir Kraken
's ability, placing a counter on it and creating a token. Entering the token on the battlefield will trigger theKindred Discovery
's ability, causing you to draw a card. By sacrificing the token withAshnod's Altar
you can pay again to activate theNadir Kraken
's ability, creating a loop that can give you infinite mana, infinite tokens and infinite counters onNadir Kraken
Commander Historic Legacy Block Booster Draft Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Timeless Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Luiz Besamat • revisado
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