Magic: the Gathering


Arena FNM event will have access to all cards and reward from local stores

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Play at home, connect to your store and earn rewards.

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rivisto da Tabata Marques

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Wizards of the Coast recognizing the recent Coronavirus crisis decided to improvelink outside website the experience of several players in the Arena. Starting next Friday, stores will be able to organize events on these gaming platforms with direct rewards for players.


- There will be a total of 3 FNM events with the possibility of more as the crisis continues.

- They will take place on: March 27, April 3 and April 10, each for 24 hours, starting Thursday at midnight to Friday at midnight.


- Anyone with an Arena account can participate

- Registration fee: none


March 27 - choose from Challenger Decks decks: choose from four pre-built decks and challenge others.

April 3 - full access: create a deck with all Standard cards, whether they are in your collection or not. Play with others, build more decks, play again.

April 10 - historic fight: build a deck of 60 Brawl cards with your Standard and Historic cards and fight!

"The goal with these formats is to provide fun ways to play in a Friday Night Magic-like environment, whether you're downloading MTG Arena for the first time or you've been playing since the Open Beta." - makes Wizards of the Coast clear on its announcement.


By playing one of these events, you can receive rewards from your local game store. Step by step on how to get this reward:

- Play in the event (win or lose as much as you want)

- Take a screenshot of your event page

- Go to locator.wizards.comlink outside website to find your local game store's website

- Join her social media channel

- Share your screenshot with a good message on their channel

- The Store will send you a code through this social media channel

Your reward will be something similar to these sleeves at the Arena:

Image content of the Website

The reward is valid only while stocks last. Not all stores are participating. Limit one code per account. Sharing a screenshot with your local game store does not automatically guarantee that you will receive a code.