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Historic: Best Cards from Bloomburrow for the Format!

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Bloomburrow comes to Magic Arena! In today's article, let's review how this new set will most likely impact Historic!

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Traduit par Joey

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revu par Tabata Marques

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  1. > The Best Bloomburrow Cards for Historic
    1. Dawn’s Truce
    2. Stormsplitter
    3. Azure Beastbinder
    4. Baleful Strix
    5. Frogmite
    6. Jace, the Mind Sculptor
    7. Birds of Paradise
  2. > Final Words

The Best Bloomburrow Cards for Historic

Bloomburrowlink outside website has brought some very interesting cards to Historic! We'll soon get more news regarding possible balance changes for the format, so the metagame will change from now on, and thus there will be a lot more space to explore the new set.

In this article, I'll review the cards I believe have a lot of potential in Historic, both for Bo1 and Bo3. I'll go through them one by one, see which strategies they might fit into, and what we can expect for this format in the future.


Dawn’s Truce

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Dawn's Truce will most likely be one of the best Bloomburrow cards for Standard, and might have some space in Historic as well. Of course, in Historic, Surge of Salvation and Teferi's Protection are valid cards on their own merit with their own roles to fill, but the great thing about this new card is that it is more versatile than Surge. It also costs one mana less than Teferi's Protection, which is something we should consider, particularly when we start thinking about where this new card will go.

For instance, Boros Energy is a fairly popular archetype and is definitely up for balance - we'll know for certain if anything in it will change on the next balance announcement for Historic, probably on August 6th. If this deck is nerfed, it might need new tools to remain in the metagame. And, even if it doesn't get any changes, Dawn's Truce is a good sideboard option for it, as it can compete for a slot against Invasion of Gobakhan. Gobakhan, despite useful in its own ways, is still behind in speed when compared to Dawn's Truce.


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Historic has seen how popular decks like Izzet Wizards can be. These decks rely on speed and low-cost spells combined with creatures that get a lot from these spells with their effects and interactions. Stormsplitter is one of the most interesting creatures in this set, and might see some play in this type of strategy. I reckon it will even be tested in some mono-red version of this archetype.

This card's biggest strength is that, even though it is a bit expensive, which may make it a bit less versatile, it easily spirals out of control. It creates value exponentially even when it is removed.

Historic has a good number of low-cost spells around, so Stormsplitter has a lot of potential in several builds. All we need to know now is if one of them will truly make it in this format.

Azure Beastbinder

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Dimir Ninjas is still a rogue deck in Historic, but it can be quite fun and bring you good results in the ranked queue if you pilot it well. Azure Beastbinder, in turn, definitely seems like a welcome addition for this deck.

Its ability lets you deal damage with it more easily, as it goes through blockers with power greater or equal to 2, and it also temporarily disables the abilities of an enemy artifact, creature, or planeswalker. If you disable a creature's abilities, it will have power and toughness 2. And it has vigilance, which means your ninjas will deal damage more easily as well, as your opponent will have to deal with Azure as fast as possible!

Baleful Strix

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As one of our special guests, we have Baleful Strix, which might help UB decks return to Historic. It is still hard to say how much play this card will actually see, and if it will be everything it could, but, without a question, it is an interesting addition to Historic.

As this format is currently dominated by Energy Aggro decks, the decks that would like to play Baleful Strix probably won't have much space. However, in the odd-chance we get some balancing, Strix might just find its place under the sun.



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Frogmite will be another intriguing piece in artifact-based decks. Just like Baleful Strix, this card's success depends on how the format is after the next balance window. Azorius Artifacts and Hammer Time still see some play, so, maybe Frogmite will help these archetypes conquer even more space in the metagame.

Jace, the Mind Sculptor

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One of the most powerful planeswalkers in the history of the game, Jace, the Mind Sculptor has come to Historic as a promise for control decks. However, he will have to earn his spot, and there are a few incredibly powerful competitors on his way.

In Jeskai and Azorius Control, Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, and even the nerfed version of Teferi, Time Raveler can face this new Jace head on. Narset Parter of Veils will hardly lose her slot, and there's the 4-mana The One Ring, but it doesn't see as much play as it could because this is just its "balanced" version.

Jace will most likely find some space in UB Control and UB Midrange, and maybe even in an Esper Control version. A tempo deck in these colors could also be interested in this planeswalker.

Birds of Paradise

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Birds of Paradise is another classic card coming to Historic, and should be another strong mana dork for this format, particularly in decks that want to use more colors. Yawgmoth and Mono-Green decks will definitely use this card, particularly Yawgmoth, which will be more consistent with it.

Final Words

What about you? What did you think of Bloomburrow? Tell us all your thoughts in our comment section below!

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!