Magic: the Gathering


Weekly Metagame: What's the new meta?

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We're back with one more analysis of this week's challenges! After weeks/months of changes in all formats, which decks are winning?

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переведено Álvaro

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рассмотрено Tabata Marques

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  1. > Standard Challenge
  2. > Pioneer Challenge
  3. > Modern Challenge
  4. > Legacy Challenge
  5. > Pauper Challenge

Standard Challenge

This weekend, on saturday, we had a Challenge and the top 8's meta was composed of:

2 Gruul Landfall

2 Mono Green Food/Ramp

2 Dimir Control

1 Naya Winota

1 White Weenie

Although the most present deck in the top 32 was Gruul Landfall, with 11 copies in the top 32 being approximately 30% of the metagame, who took the best of this challenge was Dimir Rogues, in a final against Gruul Landfall. This is, in my opinion, a response to the great presence of Gruul and Mono Green in the format. But even in this meta we had a highlight of two new archetypes present in the top 8, a Naya Winota, Joiner of Forces and a White Weenie.


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This weekend, on sunday, we had a Challenge and the top 8's meta was composed of:

2 Gruul Landfall

1 Temur Ramp

2 Mono Green Food/Ramp

3 Dimir Rogues

On Sunday we had a top8 dominated by Dimir Rogues, with 3 copies and 1 winning the final against a Gruul Landfall. So, we can say that the most played decks of the format are Mono Green Food/Ramp, Gruul Landfall, Dimir Rogues and Dimir Control.

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Pioneer Challenge

This saturday on Pioneer Challenge, the top 8's meta was composed of:

2 Sultai Reclamation

1 Lukka Fires

1 Landless Combo

1 Dimir Rogues

1 Big Red

1 Niv Mizzet

1 Mono Red Aggo

With a very diversified top 8 and different from the previous weeks, we did not have the presence of Mono Green Devotion in the top 8, but it was present in the top 32. We had Big Red again with Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and a Dimir Rogues piloted by the brazilian Hamuda in 5th place, but in the middle of this jungle, the best was the consolidated Sultai Reclamation in a final against a Mono Red Aggro.

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This sunday on Pioneer Challenge, the top 8's meta was composed of:

1 Landless Combo

1 Four Color Omnath

1 Boros Burn

1 Lotus Combo

1 Five Colors Niv-Mizzet

2 Mono Green Devotion

1 Boros Burn

In Sunday's Challenge we have another varied top 8, but with decks that are already known to everyone. The winner on Sunday was Mono Green Devotion in a final against Five Colors Niv Mizzet. What we have observed from Pioneer is that it's being a format with a wide variety of already “consolidated” decks that alternate over the weeks.

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Modern Challenge

This Saturday we had the Modern Challenge and the meta of the top 8 was composed of:

1 Mono Green Tron

1 Izzet Storm

1 Bant Uro

1 Titan Call

1 Selesnya Heliod Combo

2 Four Colors Uro//Omnath

1 Temur Uro

With another top 8 full of different archetypes, modern shows itself as a format that is always open to changes, so much so that we saw two different decks using the Heliod, Sun-Crowned with Walking Ballista combo: a Selesnya version and a Mono White version. The winner was the consolidated Titan Call in a final against Mono Green Tron.

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This Sunday we had the Modern Challenge and the meta of the top 8 was composed of:

1 Titan Call

1 Four Color Uro/Omnath

1 Rakdos DS

1 Ox Dredge

1 Rakdos Kroxa

1 Eldrazi Tron

2 Dimir Mill

This Sunday we had again a top with many different archetypes, and the only archetype that was repeated is Dimir Mill, which is not a deck we see a lot. In this true jungle of Modern, the winner was Ox Dredge, who had been missing for the past few weeks, making a final against Titan Call. As a highlight, in addition to Dimir Mill, we have Mono White Equipments in 10th place, showing an increasing potential in the format.

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Legacy Challenge

This Saturday we had the Legacy Challenge with a top8 composed of:

1 Temur Oko/Delver

2 Elves

1 Esper Vial

1 Oracle Merfolk Combo

1 Eldrazi Stompy

1 Mono Green CloudPost

1 Turbo Depths

On Saturday we saw a very diversified top and with different decks in the top 8, like Mono Green Cloudpost, that uses Cloudpost to generate a lot of mana and cast high impact spells like Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. We can also highlight Esper Vial, which was in 3rd place abusing creatures with ETB effect (Enters the Battlefield). We also had the retuirn of Merfolk decks, but now using the Paradigm Shift combo to exile your own deck and win the game with Thassa's Oracle. In the midst of these new decks the one who won was the Elves in a mirror in the final, showing that traditional decks are still present in the format.

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This Sunday we had the Legacy Challenge with a top8 composed of:

1 Temur Oko/Delver

1 Azorius Urza

1 Doomsday Combo

1 Five Colors Snow Oko

1 Four Colors Snow Oko

2 Izzet Delver

1 Mono Green Cloudpost

On Sunday we had another very different top 8 with several archetypes. Some of these decks that have managed to stand out were: Mono Green Cloudpost and Azorius Urza; making consistent results. The winner was Five Colors Snow Oko against Azorius Urza, showing that Oko is still very present in the format. Do the wide variety of decks we saw in the two challenges indicates that the format has adapted to Oko, Thief of Crowns and Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, with these being just a few more cards in the format?

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Pauper Challenge

This Saturday we had the Pauper Challenge with top 8 composed of:

1 MonoU Faeries

3 Fog Tron

1 Burn

1 Bogles

1 Boros Bully Pyro

1 Afffinity

A few weeks after the release of Commander Legends, we can see the new meta of pauper being formed. We had a consolidated top with 3 copies of Tron in the top 8 in a jungle of different decks like Boros Bully using 4 Pyroblast main deck and the new AFFFinity using Fall from Favor. Within this new meta, we saw too the resurrection of MonoU Faeries, that took the championship 1st place in a final against AFFFinity.


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This Sunday we had the Pauper Challenge with top 8 composed of:

1 Dimir Faeries/Delver

1 Stompy

1 Bogles

2 Izzet Skred

1 MonoU Faeries

2 Elves

On Sunday we had a top without the traditional presence of Tron, but with decks that are already known by the entire pauper community, with Dimir Faeries/Delver being the champion against a Bogles. Highlights here goes to the champion: the brazilian _Against_ (Alexandre Weber) who built a different than usual list mixing the Faeries strategy with Delver and that used a maximum of 3 copies of each card in the deck because he wanted to remember what it was like to play Yu-Gi-Oh!link outside website. The arrival of Commander Legends certainly had a big impact on pauper, strengthening already strong decks like Ux and bringing new archetypes to the format like Temur LD/Cascade that was in 10th and 11th place in this Challenge.

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