Magic: the Gathering

Deck Guide

Sideboard Guide of Dimir Rogues Standard deck

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Today we have the sideboard guide of Standard Dimir Rogues: a versatile deck that uses the mill mechanic.

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translated by Álvaro

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revised by Tabata Marques

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Hola, compañeros y compañeras. Mikail "CheNoguera" here. The current Standard finally seems to have found its balance, after many bans and sudden weekly changes, the main archetypes have established themselves at the top of the most used and most winning decks. But that does not mean that the format has stagnated, on the contrary, it continues to evolve and change cyclically. And this is great!

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In this article we gonna talk about the Dimir Rogueslink outside website, a versatile deck that uses the mill mechanic, alternating with a powerful beatdown in the best "delver tempo" style.


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The deck's "mill package" is mainly made up of creatures that directly or indirectly send opponent resources to the graveyard, and as soon as possible accumulate 7/8 cards, thereby oppening the way for very powerful spells to start taking advantage of it.

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The superlative is not used in vain, with the "threshold" reached, Into the Story is the strongest of our spells, drawing 4 cards at instant speed for 4 manas is simply absurd in any format, as for Drown in the Loch, it becomes in a mix of Conterspell and Terminate. To finish Lullmage's Domination gives us control of the opponent's bomb permanently.

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The rest of the deck are low-cost interactions or that may cost less under certain conditions, so we can constantly double, or even triple our moves each turn, creating immense difficulty for the opponent.

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The choice here for these interactions has the clear idea of being able to fit the deck in the limitations to have Lurrus as our companion. In matches where the exchange of resources is constant, having an extra card, even after the new rules is still very worthwhile, especially when that extra card is the cat with 4 eyes. The possibility of returning resources from the graveyard gives him the power to turn and win games alone. A Lurrus without response actually turns the opponent's life into a nightmare. While your opponents need to find their finishers, you already have it there, for the cost of 3 generic manas.

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The base of mana uses what we currently have best in duals of color, the only thing strange at first sight may be the presence of triomas like Zagoth Triome, but they have a double function in the list. The first is improve our topdeck, so that we can recycle them in the event of a flood. And the second is to have access to green mana, thus being able to activate abilities of key creatures that have been stolen, such as Scavenging Ooze or Gilded Goose.

Well, that said, let's go to the part of the article that you really want to see.

Gruul Adventures


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MonoG Food


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Temur Obosh


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Temur Ramp


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Temur Yorion


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Dimir Yorion


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Esper Doom


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Mirror (Lurrus)


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Mirror (Zareto San)


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Mono Red


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Mono White


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Naya Winota


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I hope you enjoyed it and have fun venturing out with the deck!