MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck B G U
About Pauper B G U
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, B G U is a deck with the following key cards: with an overall win percentage of 44.4% in 9 games in the last 6 months. and worst against Grixis Affinity. In recent appearances abombdiggity made 68º at Pauper Challenge 64 and Raoni made 3V-1L at Tropical Pauper 181.
Ah, the "B G U" deck in Pauper Magic: the Gathering! This deck is a fun combination of Black, Green, and Blue cards that offers a versatile playstyle. The strategy of this deck revolves around controlling the board with removal spells like Cast Down and Snuff Out, while also utilizing card draw and value creatures like Mulldrifter and Llanowar Visionary to maintain card advantage. One of the strengths of this deck is its ability to adapt to different situations. With access to counterspells like Counterspell and Hydroblast, as well as hand disruption with Duress, the deck can handle a variety of threats. Additionally, the deck has some powerful finishers like Avenging Hunter and Unexpected Fangs to close out games. However, one of the weaknesses of this deck is its reliance on having the right colors of mana available. The mana base can be a bit shaky at times, especially with cards like Simic Growth Chamber and Dismal Backwater entering the battlefield tapped. This can lead to some awkward draws where you are unable to cast your spells on time. Overall, the "B G U" deck in Pauper is a solid choice for players who enjoy a control-oriented playstyle with access to a wide range of powerful spells. It offers a good mix of removal, card advantage, and threats, making it a well-rounded deck in the format.
Pauper deck B G U: Last winning deck
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