We have already shown some deck options of up to 10 TIX in our previous article. Today, we will talk about decks that are slightly more expensive, for those who already want to venture into tournaments like Pioneer Royale and are looking for solid results or for those who want to learn about the metagame while tabletop tournaments aren't available.
Therefore, we have listed below 10 decks with an approximate cost of 30 TIX which are extremely competitive and solid, some of which are already the basis of their more expensive versions.
Here are the lists:
This deck is one of the most fun Aggro options in Pioneer, although the version that splashes for black is the most played (and much more expensive, due to Thoughtseize). However, the Mono-Green version is solid, fast and fearsome. Questing Beast, Rhonas the Indomitable and Ghalta, Primal Hunger are very strong and several times you will just need a turn with one of them on the field to finish the game. In addition, you have The Great Henge to speed up your draws and buff your creatures. It is a very interesting and competitive deck.
This is also a nice base of a deck that is considered Tier 2 in the format, with constant 5-0 results in Leagues. What causes the deck to be more expensive, like in all black decks, is Thoughtseize and Mutavault. However, you can get around that and start having fun without these staples, although the deck will certainly suffer without these cards. The dynamics between Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord and some creatures in the deck is very strong and you are able to win games just by using this strategy.
It is almost impossible to build a good Boros deck without using Soul-Scar Mage and Eidolon of the Great Revel. However, the two sets of these two cards exceed 60tix in MTGO, causing the deck to be more expensive. Still, you can play with a competitive and fun version, capable of seizing matches with Hazoret the Fervent or Boros Charm. It is an underestimated deck in format but, aside from major tournaments, it always works. Its version with the staples of the format (Soul-Scar and the Eidolon) appears constantly in the 5-0 weekly MTGO Leagues.
“Enhanced” version of the Mono-Green deck and at almost the same price. Here we have included the strong Rotting Regisaur as a highlight, in addition to putting some good black cards on the sideboard, ensuring more interaction possibilities for the deck. Of the lower cost decks, this is my favorite by far, and it is certainly quite solid.
This is practically the metagame version of a fantastic and very interactive deck. Aided by some new cards from Zendikar Rising, like Magmatic Channeler and the Izzet dual-lands, this deck has resurfaced in the metagame in a new version that has been doing great competitively. You just need to assemble it and play, and adjust it gradually. Every set brings new excellent cards of both of these colors that can make the deck shine even more.
Another Tier deck in Pioneer, adjusted to the budget of 30 TIX, but without any considerable loss. It is an extremely solid deck, which was once Tier 1 and recently fell slightly, although it appears constantly in the weekly Leagues and can be assembled by using the base of the Izzet Phoenix deck, since the lands are basically the most expensive cards in the deck. This is a very strong Aggro deck that deserves respect!
This is one of the Tier deck in the format, adjusted by putting only 2 copies of Spell Queller and 2 copies of Selfless Spirit, which are the most expensive cards here. With these exceptions, the rest is the classic list, which always appears in the Top 8 of Challenges and other tournaments. A solid option for those looking for an Aggro deck, it is full of potential in each card, but it requires the player's attention to play the creatures in the right order and in the right way.
Deck that recently appeared in Pioneer and that already has been obtaining a lot of good results. This is the simplest and cheapest version, without the presence of Brazen Borrower and Shark Typhoon, which would make the deck cost more than 100 TIX. I personally started playing with this list and the results were very good. This deck is extremely fun (at least for those who play with it, not the opponents!), interactive, recursive and it demands a lot from the player. For those who don't want to play with an Aggro deck, this is an excellent option.
This is almost the exact list that appears in Pioneer's metagame. The only changes here are in the mana base, with virtually no loss, and the sideboard, also without major losses for most matches. A solid deck that pays off the player's efforts and which has already won major tournaments, being a constant presence among the best decks in the format today. It still has an Orzhov version, which is a little more expensive because of its lands and Thoughtseize, but just as solid. Excellent option if you want to play competitively while spending little.
Another version recently created in the format, which has since became part of the metagame, appearing in all major tournaments in the last month and presenting solid results. Its repercussion has been so huge that his most famous card, General Kudro of Drannith, is already costing almost 13 TIX, which makes its use in a cheaper deck unfeasible. Still, the logic of the deck is the same as the White Weenie deck, but using good Orzhov and black cards in the maindeck and in the sideboard, making it more solid. It is worth assembling this list and waiting for a possible drop in the price of General Kudro in MTGO until you can buy at least 2 copies and add them to the deck, leaving it exactly as the most famous and strong version.
With so many options at reduced cost that work greatly and make competitive results, it is worth studying these lists, watching gameplays with them and then choose the one you like best. The important thing is not to go without playing this new and well diversified non-rotating format!
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