Magic: the Gathering


Is Ragavan the most expensive March of the Machine card? #1 Serial found!

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This 001/500 serial has just been found as March of the Machine packs, boxes, kits and cards start being opened! Could this be the most expensive card in the set for players and collectors alike?

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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March of the Machine is here!link outside website With the official spoiler season ending yesterday, all cards revealed, the new Magic: The Gathering set is finally entering its release phase, which means cards, packs, boxes and other products are starting to be opened across the globe. Even WotC members have begun opening packs and showcasinglink outside website the new products, and, of course, local game stores and retailers would soon follow. In the fervor of pack openings, one store might have found what seems to be the rarest, and therefore most expensive, March of the Machine card so far.


Despite actual release dates being a bit later in April, a week away to this date, some stores have already begun opening products, and with them, a few of the serialized cards, rare cards that on their own can fetch bigger prices on the market, have already begun appearing as well. The actual number of serialized cards found is unknown, and probably will always be, but the most eye-grabbing finds have already been posted online, namely the serialized Elesh Norn, Sheoldred and Vorinclex.

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However, not long afterward, a bigger catch surfaced online: the #1 serialized Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, posted by Star City Games general manager Ben Bleiweiss.

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Not only is this card already a valuable Multiverse Legends card, it is also the 001/500 copy, which means it is one of the most sought-after numbers for this serial, right on top with numbers *069/500 and 420/500.


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Via later reports, Bleiweiss assured this was the only Ragavan they had opened, as notably even more other expensive and rare cards could have been opened by the store, averaging "30ish total Serialized cards".

The card is already up for sale, according to the tweet. The price? Still undisclosed, but considering this is not only a good card on its own, but also serialized, and the #1 copy, we can already make educated guesses regarding the actual price tag this infamous monkey will pull. Serious requests are to be made through Bleiweiss' Twitter DMs only, if anyone is interested.

A card such as this could be compared to a few others that were sold from The Brothers' War set. The serialized Ramos, Dragon Engine, sold for, on average, $1000. Considering Ragavan is not only a better card on its own, averaging $62 right now compared to Ramos' $15 starting price, and the #1 copy, we could assume it will be sold for much more than $1000, maybe even four times more.

Other serialized copies, regardless of their usual market value, have been sold for $1000 before, so one could say this is just the standard price for these collector's items.

Other strong contenders for the title of "Most Expensive March of the Machine Card" are other iconic cards in their serialized versions, such as Atraxa, Praetor's Voice. Atraxa is also averaging around $65 currently, and a good number such as 001/500, 069/500 or 420/500 could fetch a similar price or even beat Ragavan's.

But, of course, first one has to find that copy. This Ragavan is already unique in the sense it is one of the first, if not the first, serialized #1 copy to be found. As it is, it is not unfair to say it is probably the rarest, most expensive, card from the March of the Machine set.