About the Deck
Golgari, as a midrange archetype, is very efficient, but it's still quite different from other midrange lists, like Dimir and Esper. This is not only because it isn't a blue deck, but also because it mostly acts on its own turns and uses its mana as much as it can.
This deck didn't really show up at the last Pro Tour, but it's still performing well. It is quickly becoming a solid option for anyone who wants to stray away from blue midrange lists in Standard.
Most of what's great about Golgari is in its creatures, as they all deeply impact the game and create a lot of value. There's also an excellent package of spells that focus solely on interacting with your opponent's resources and disrupt their game plan.

Without a question, Mosswood Dreadknight is the heart of this deck. This creature creates value through mostly anything, unless your opponent exiles it, and puts on a powerful clock on the board, besides its incredibly powerful interaction with Sheoldred, the Apocalypse.

Caustic Bronco is a strong addition to this deck, and acts like an efficient 2-drop that might put pressure on your opponent while it creates card advantage for you. Glissa and Trespasser are exceptional in this list because they deal with many problematic cards, besides also putting on a clock themselves. Glissa, in particular, goes through your opponent's defenses fearlessly and dodges most removals, which makes herself really problematic. She also creates card advantage nearly every time you play her.

Restless Cottage is also incredible on this list. This land can become a creature and add even more to your clock to either finish the game, or just block an annoying attacker. It also has extra abilities that are always useful, and attacking is enough to enable them.

Pillage the Bog and Analyze the Pollen are one-offs that I consider interesting in this list. They get you important cards from your deck as tutors, and might either get you a land drop on early turns or your threats later on.
Mulligan and Game Style
As every Standard midrange, you'll need cards that interact with your opponent on early turns, put threats on the board, and use your mana as much as possible.
This is what an ideal starting hand should look like:

Sideboard Guide

This sideboard is prepared to deal with most threats in Standard right now.
Frillback is excellent because of its versatility, and because it is a 3/3 that deals with most creatures in aggro decks. Liliana is still one of the best Planeswalkers in this format, and, when you stick her to the board, she's usually devastating.
Hearse is also incredibly strong against graveyards, and essential against Temur Lands. Gix's Command, on the other side, is useful in many situations, and always impactful, and Path of Peril and Tear Asunder complement our removal package.
Vs. Mono-Red Aggro
In this matchup, you'll need to get the most out of your removals at all times, and Sheoldred is your most important creature, particularly with Mosswood Dreadknight.
Tranquil Frillback is another splendid card that will give you the most significant resource in this matchup: life points.
Keep an eye on their bigger, most problematic threats, and try to save your removals for them, like Monastery Swiftspear, Goddric, Cloaked Reveler, and Squee, Dubious Monarch.


Vs. Esper Midrange
The Wandering Emperor is a very problematic card in this matchup. One of the worst details about it is that Esper uses many disruption, control, and value tools, and always plays around your actions. Be careful with your opponent's threats, mainly Raffine, Scheming Seer because, if played with creatures like Deep-Cavern Bat, it can be quite annoying.
Virtue of Loyalty can easily change the course of the game, so be careful with it. Glissa is incredible in this match, just like Sorin, which gives you flying creatures to put on the board.


Vs. Boros Convoke
This matchup is really similar to the Mono-Red matchup, but you'll have to be careful with their creatures a lot more, as Boros focuses solely on playing their units to play their explosive turn with Imodane's Recruiter.
Harvester of Misery can be devastating against Boros if you manage to survive until you have enough mana to play it. Until then, deal with their main threats, and use your creatures more defensively than offensively. Be careful with abilities that drain life.


Vs. Azorius Control
In this matchup, you'll be the aggressor, so use your creatures well, and fast, to deal as much damage as possible to your opponent. Bronco is an impressive card because it might just deal damage on turn 3 with Glissa or another drop 3, and also put cards in your hand. Liliana is also one of the best cards for this matchup, as she'll drain your opponent's resources while she sets up your lands for her powerful ultimate if you stick her on the board.
Deal with Wanderers and be careful with global removals. Focus on removing your opponent's Memory Deluge from their graveyard with Trespasser, and try to attack their resources any time you can.


Vs. Domain
I consider this a good matchup. Golgari uses many impactful tools against Domain, and has the disruption you need to delay your opponent's plans. Up the Beanstalk and Archangel of Wrath are a bit more worrisome because they create a lot of resources.
Keep an aggressive game style, pressure your opponent, and always deal with any threat that disrupts your game progress. Please remember, Domain also uses global removals, so use your creatures well.


Final Words
Golgari is an excellent option in Standard and should remain so even after rotation, considering it won't affect it much. It performs really well and can interact with the metagame fairly well too. If you're looking for a midrange deck in this format that isn't blue, Golgari is a great bet.
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