MTG > Combos > Mana Echoes +Dino DNA +
With Dino DNA and Mana Echoes on the battlefield, and at least 5 other Dinosaurs under your control and at least 1 creature in a graveyard
1) Imprint a creature onto Dino DNA
2) Create a token copy of it with Dino DNA. It will add 6 colorless mana if there were 5 other Dinosaurs under your control when it ETBs
3) Continue creating token copies of the creature for infinite colorless mana, infinite token copies of imprinted creature, and infinite ETB triggers if the imprinted creature has an ETB effect.
Commander Legacy Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Jim Snedecor • reviewed
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