MTG > Metagame Modern > deck BG
Main Deck cards BG
2.7 in 100% of decks
3.6 in 83% of decks
3.4 in 83% of decks
3.4 in 83% of decks
2.6 in 83% of decks
2.0 in 83% of decks
1.8 in 83% of decks
3.3 in 66% of decks
3.0 in 66% of decks
1.8 in 66% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
2.3 in 50% of decks
2.0 in 50% of decks
1.0 in 50% of decks
1.0 in 50% of decks
Sideboard cards BG
1.1 in 100% of decks
2.6 in 66% of decks
2.3 in 50% of decks
1.3 in 50% of decks
1.0 in 50% of decks
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The "BG" deck in Modern is a powerful and versatile strategy that combines black and green cards to control the game and disrupt the opponent while also applying pressure with efficient threats. The deck is focused on using cards like Inquisition of Kozilek, Thoughtseize, and Collective Brutality to disrupt the opponent's game plan by stripping away key cards from their hand. Cards like Fatal Push and Assassin's Trophy are used to deal with opposing creatures and problematic permanents, while Nihil Spellbomb and Scavenging Ooze can disrupt graveyard strategies. The deck also features powerful threats like Tarmogoyf, Dark Confidant, and Grim Flayer to close out the game quickly. Liliana of the Veil provides both disruption and a win condition, forcing the opponent to discard cards while also generating advantage for you. Lurrus of the Dream-Den serves as a strong companion for the deck, allowing you to recur small creatures and generate value over time. Other cards like Ashiok, Dream Render and Veil of Summer offer additional disruption against various strategies in the format. One of the strengths of the BG deck is its flexibility and adaptability to different metagames. It can be tailored to beat specific matchups by adjusting the removal suite and sideboard cards. Additionally, the deck's mix of disruption, threats, and card advantage engines make it well-rounded and capable of winning against a wide range of opponents. However, the deck can struggle against fast combo decks that can win before the disruption and removal spells come online. Additionally, decks with heavy graveyard synergies can pose a challenge if the hate cards are not drawn. Overall, the BG deck in Modern offers a fun and interactive playstyle that rewards skillful play and thoughtful deck building. It can be a strong choice in a diverse metagame and offers plenty of room for customization and personalization to suit your preferred playstyle.
Example deck with BG
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