虎騎前導兵, 生物~人類/戰士, 设计者 Winona Nelson 首次发布于 May, 2020 在编辑中 Dragons of Tarkir. 目前以最低价出售 元 0.23.
If you control a creature with power less than 0, use its actual power when calculating the total power of creatures you control. For example, if you control three creatures with powers 4, 5, and -2, the total power of creatures you control is 7.
Other formidable abilities are triggered abilities with an “intervening ‘if’” clause. Such abilities check the total power of creatures you control twice: once at the appropriate time to see if the ability will trigger, and again as the ability tries to resolve. If, at that time, the total power of creatures you control is no longer 8 or greater, the ability will have no effect.
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