姓名 | 小片毒疹 |
图案 | Smallpox |
类型 | 巫術 |
描述 | 每位玩家失去1點生命,棄一張牌,犧牲一個生物,然後犧牲一個地。 |
Flavor | 「巨大損失通常只教人驚呆。要真正將人拉進痛苦深淵,必須用許多小型痛楚讓他沒頂。」 ~烏爾博格的拉塔札比 |
艺术家 | Janine Johnston |
版 | 时间螺旋重制版 #139 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
姓名 | 小片毒疹 |
图案 | Smallpox |
类型 | 巫術 |
描述 | 每位玩家失去1點生命,棄一張牌,犧牲一個生物,然後犧牲一個地。 |
Flavor | 「巨大損失通常只教人驚呆。要真正將人拉進痛苦深淵,必須用許多小型痛楚讓他沒頂。」 ~烏爾博格的拉塔札比 |
艺术家 | Janine Johnston |
版 | 时间螺旋重制版 #139 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
小片毒疹, 巫術, 设计者 Janine Johnston 首次发布于 Oct, 2006 在编辑中 Time Spiral 并准确地印在 5 不同的形状. 见游戏 1 格式: Commander. 目前以最低价出售 元 1.64.
一个专注于资源剥夺和干扰的卡组会受益于使用Smallpox,因为它可以快速干扰对手的牌面和手牌,同时也对对手的生命总值施加压力。然而,有更好的卡牌可以产生类似的效果,比如Liliana of the Veil,它提供了更多的灵活性和对所牺牲和丢弃的东西的控制。Smallpox可以在旨在利用其独特效果的特定策略中发挥作用,但总体而言,由于与其他可用选项相比的限制,它可能不是竞技卡组中的主要卡牌。
Any abilities of the lands sacrificed may modify or trigger on the creatures being sacrificed and on the cards being discarded. Abilities of the creatures won’t modify or trigger on the lands being sacrificed, but may modify or trigger on the cards being discarded.
As Smallpox resolves, first each player loses 1 life at the same time. Next, each player chooses a card in hand without revealing it, then all of the cards are discarded at the same time. Then starting with the player whose turn it is and proceeding in turn order, each player chooses a creature, knowing the choices made before them. All of the creatures are sacrificed at the same time, then finally repeat this process for lands.
Each player loses 1 life. Then, starting with the active player and proceeding in turn order, each player chooses a card to discard (normally without seeing what other players have chosen) and all discards happen simultaneously. Then, starting with the active player and proceeding in turn order, each player chooses a creature to sacrifice (this time players can see what other players have chosen) and all sacrifices happen simultaneously. Then the process that happened for creatures is repeated for lands.
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