姓名 | 基尼共振器 |
图案 | Strionic Resonator |
类型 | 神器 |
描述 | ,:複製目標由你操控的觸發式異能。你可以為該複製品選擇新的目標。(觸發式異能會以「當~」、「每當~」,或「在~時」開頭。) |
Flavor | 光靠物理力量無法使它的叉臂發聲。只有強力魔法能引發它怪異的共振。 |
艺术家 | Jonas De Ro |
版 | 依夏兰指挥官失落洞穴 #116 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
姓名 | 基尼共振器 |
图案 | Strionic Resonator |
类型 | 神器 |
描述 | ,:複製目標由你操控的觸發式異能。你可以為該複製品選擇新的目標。(觸發式異能會以「當~」、「每當~」,或「在~時」開頭。) |
Flavor | 光靠物理力量無法使它的叉臂發聲。只有強力魔法能引發它怪異的共振。 |
艺术家 | Jonas De Ro |
版 | 依夏兰指挥官失落洞穴 #116 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
基尼共振器, 神器, 设计者 Noah Bradley 首次发布于 Jul, 2013 在编辑中 Magic 2014 并准确地印在 8 不同的形状. 见游戏 1 格式: Commander. 目前以最低价出售 元 18.05. 这是一张钥匙卡 11 combos.
一个牌组非常依赖触发能力的牌组,比如进场效果或其他强大的触发效果,会受益于包含Strionic Resonator。虽然它可以为正确的牌组提供宝贵的灵活性和额外价值,但在某些情况下,还有其他像Panharmonicon这样提供类似效果但潜在影响更大的卡牌。然而,Strionic Resonator仍然可以是一个强大的选择,适用于希望最大化其触发能力的牌组,并且应该在能够利用其独特能力的牌组中发挥作用。
If a triggered ability is linked to a second ability, copies of that triggered ability are also linked to that second ability. If the second ability refers to “the exiled card,” it refers to all cards exiled by the triggered ability and the copy. For example, if Fiend Hunter’s enters-the-battlefield ability is copied and two creatures are exiled, they both return when Fiend Hunter leaves the battlefield.
If the triggered ability divides damage or distributes counters among a number of targets (for example, the ability of Bogardan Hellkite), the division and number of targets can’t be changed. If you choose new targets, you must choose the same number of targets.
The source of the copy is the same as the source of the original ability.
Triggered abilities use the word “when,” “whenever,” or “at.” They’re often written as “[Trigger condition], [effect].”
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