MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck MonoGreen Elves
About Pauper MonoGreen Elves
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, MonoGreen Elves is a deck with the following key cards: Forest, Generous Ent, Masked Vandal, Priest of Titania, Quirion Ranger, Timberwatch Elf, Winding Way, Nyxborn Hydra, Llanowar Elves, with an overall win percentage of 53.4% in 146 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Gruul Ponza and Mono Blue Tempo and worst against Golgari Dredge and Mono Red Aggro. In recent appearances Protean_Hulk made 4V-0L at Pauper Royale 221 and ZeNonato made 4V-0L at Fuguete League 203.
Main Deck cards MonoGreen Elves
Sideboard cards MonoGreen Elves
The MonoGreen Elves deck in the Pauper format of Magic: the Gathering revolves around the strategy of quickly ramping up your mana production using Elves and other mana dorks to play powerful Elf creatures and overwhelm your opponent with a swarm of creatures. Some of the key cards in this deck include Priest of Titania and Birchlore Rangers, which can generate a lot of mana, allowing you to play multiple spells in a turn. Cards like Timberwatch Elf and Lys Alana Huntmaster can quickly grow your board and provide a lot of value. Lead the Stampede and Winding Way help you refill your hand with more Elves to keep the pressure on your opponent. Wellwisher is great for gaining life and stabilizing against aggressive decks. However, the deck can have some weaknesses. It can be vulnerable to board wipes, as it relies on having a wide board presence. Additionally, since it's a tribal deck, it can struggle against decks that have a lot of creature removal or graveyard hate. Overall, the MonoGreen Elves deck in Pauper is a fast and fun deck to play, with the potential to generate a lot of mana and overwhelm your opponent with a horde of Elves. Just be mindful of its vulnerabilities and adapt your strategy accordingly.
Pauper deck MonoGreen Elves: Last winning deck
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